Episode 39: Preparing Yourself as a Caregiver
In this episode we discuss how caregivers can “prepare themselves” for the more advanced phases of their caregiving journey, how to communicate next steps with family and support/care teams, and how to take care of yourself in the process. We also discuss how to make talking about next steps and “the end” more comfortable and less taboo.
Episode 38: Exercise, Movement & Caregiving
In this episode we discuss the importance of exercise and movement for our loved ones; how to motivate them to exercise, types of activities and exercises to try, and potentially equally or even more important; movement and exercise for the caregivers themselves.
Episode 37: Having Difficult Discussions about Caregiving
In this episode we discuss how we approach the difficult discussions of caregiving (i.e. Power of Attorney - POA- considerations, life-saving measures, care facility, in-home care, etc.) with our elderly loved ones, our families, and others on our care team. Sometimes these conversations are meant with anger, sadness, suspicion, or an outright refusal to have the discussion all together. We discuss ways to break through and put a care plan in place to hopefully avoid chaos later.
Episode 36: How to be an Ally
In this episode we discuss the complex nature of relationships between caregivers and those around them who may or may not also be grieving. We discuss communication styles, how best to support a caregiver, and how caregivers can compensate when their allies can’t or won’t support them.
Episode 35: The Impact of Caregiving on the Black Community - Part 2
With the overwhelming response to our “The Impact of Caregiving on the Black Community” episode, we’ve come back with a part 2 to further discuss the challenges of caregiving in the African American/Black community, the racial disparities in care for loved ones, support for caregivers, and access to resources.
Episode 34: Special Episode - The Longest Day
In our newest episode we are celebrating Alzheimer’s and Brain Health Awareness month so we’re talking all things brain health, the Alzheimer’s Association’s “The Longest Day” fundraising initiatives, and how “The Longest Day” impacts our caregiving community.
Episode 33: Brain Health & The Frustration of Getting a Diagnosis
In this episode we’re talking about the coming ‘era of treatment,’ how to get doctors and patients to buy-in, and the frustration caregivers feel when trying to get a diagnosis for their loved one in general, but more specifically, the right diagnosis. We also discuss ways caregivers can be more proactive with their loved ones’ health as well as their own.
Episode 32: The Impact of Caregiving on the Black Community
In this episode we’re discussing the impact of caregiving on the African American/Black Community, the racial disparities of care for loved ones, support for caregivers, and access to resources. In addition we will discuss the unique challenges the Black Community is navigating and potential ways to overcome them.
Episode 31: All About Support Groups
In this episode we’re talking all things support groups - why caregivers need support groups, their benefits, what made us finally say yes to this type of support, ways to access this type of support, and how to overcome some of the obstacles to that support.
Episode 30: Holiday Time Caregiving
The holidays can be tough on caregivers so this month’s episode is all about tackling the holiday time blues; mainly how to handle our grief and how to set boundaries and expectations with family and friends during the holiday season.
Episode 29: Resources for Caregivers
In honor of National Family Caregivers month, we are bringing awareness to resources in our caregiving community. In this episode we talk with reps from different organizations, projects, and communities that are doing amazing work to help caregivers on their journeys. We discuss what resources they provide and how our listeners can access them.
Episode 28: Lewy Body Dementia
October is Lewy Body Awareness month so we are talking all things Lewy Body - what it is, how it’s different from other more common forms of dementia, how caregivers approach Lewy Body given those differences, and potential resources and support for caregivers struggling with how to manage Lewy Body.
Episode 27: New Relationships & Moving On While Caregiving
In this episode we discuss the somewhat taboo topic of caregivers who decide to go into a new relationship while caring for their spouse. We work our way through this delicate subject by exploring the potential feelings that a caregiver goes through. We also explore how these feelings can affect their families and society as a whole.
Episode 26: Bridging the Gap between Caregiving & Research
In this episode we discuss the potential overlaps between caregiving and science/research, ways that caregivers can utilize research/scientific advancements now or in the recent future to help them on their caregiving journey, and major takeaways from this year's Alzheimer's Association's International Conference which happened earlier this month.
Episode 25: Complicated Relationships & Caregiving
In this episode we discuss the intricacies of caregiving for a person or loved one who we have a complicated relationship with, whether that be in the past or currently. We explore how we as caregivers make our way through this complicated space to get to a place of acceptance, maybe even forgiveness, but at the very least, a place of self love.
Episode 24: Special Episode - The Longest Day
June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month so we are talking all things brain health, the Alzheimer’s Association’s “The Longest Day” fundraising initiatives, and how “The Longest Day” impacts our caregiving community.
Episode 23: How to Manage Impatience & Anger associated with Caregiving
This episode really resonated with our guests and we think our listeners will get a lot out of it too. In this episode we talk about the impatience and (at times) frustration we feel at our loved ones and the overall situation when we're caregiving. We talk how to manage these feelings and ways of healing and moving forward through the caregiving process
Episode 22: How to Plan for End of Life Care
In this month’s episode we are taking on a discussion that no one is ever really ready for - how to plan end of life care for your loved one. We look at the logistics as well as the emotional journey caregivers go through when making these incredibly delicate, uncomfortable, but necessary decisions.
Episode 21: How to Navigate Sibling Relationships while Caregiving
In this episode we discuss how navigating a sibling’s role within the caregiver journey can be difficult and complex due to the issues with grief, family dynamics, logistical and geographical complications, denial, and stress. We try to tackle the topic from a compassionate place, while getting very real about the struggles some caregivers face in lieu of sibling support.
Episode 20: How to Choose a Care Facility - Part 2
This month we continue our discussion on choosing a care facility, but shift our focus to what happens after your loved one is moved into a care facility and how to maintain the same level of care that you as their primary advocate deems necessary.